Areas of support

Elpis Care Living Support Roof is so configured that it can accommodate older people and people with dementia regardless of the levels of functionality.

In the Department for Third Age and Dementia of Elpis Care, the hospitalization of the person begins with a detailed assessment, ie exploration of his cognitive and functional level. The main objective of the evaluation is to investigate the existence or not of dementia symptoms. Apart from that, however, the evaluation we are carrying out still determines

• levels of dementia,
• the likelihood of depression in the elderly
• the possibility of Parkinsonian symptoms in conjunction with dementia symptoms.

The program we provide to Elpis Care is shaped according to the situation and the particularities of each of the guests. Among others we offer:

• memory, caution exercises
• executive or speech
• orientation in the news
• Exercises that train attention skills.
• physical therapy and exercise exercises

Lastly, Elpis Care works with a neurologist-psychiatrist and a special physician for the detailed medical check-ups of each guest and the determination or modification, if necessary, of medication.


At Loutraki, about 900 meters from Isthmos, we have created and operated for three years a Standard Home of Supported Living.

The attentive spaces of the building, the elaborate courtyard areas of 10 acres, the promenades, the excellent hygiene and cleanliness conditions and the high level of services provided ensure the livelihood of the residents in an environment of special natural beauty.

Mental Retardation Autistic spectrum


Elpis Care Living Support is a standard hospitality facility for People with Disabilities created with own funds and EU co-financing...


Areas of support at ElpisCare


Elpis Care Living Support Roof is so configured that it can accommodate older people and people with dementia regardless of the levels of functionality...


Seniors – Dementia – Alzheimer's


Elpis Care supported living roof can accommodate elderly people and people with dementia regardless of the levels...


Building Infrastructure Staff


Elpis Care Supported Living Home, which aims at the comfortable, pleasant and constructive hospitality of people with mental retardation and...